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Showing posts from 2018

Saving on Christmas

If you're like me, you have a long list of people to shop for this Christmas. The holiday season is a time to celebrate giving, among many other wonderful things. It can be difficult to have a heart that loves to be generous but a bank account that begs you to reconsider. Or maybe you'd like to simplify Christmas and get back to basics. If this sounds like you, fear not. Today I'm sharing my favorite tips to keep it inexpensive yet full of heart! Everyone Loves Food Am I right? One of my favorite things in the world is food and I'm going to take a wild guess that most people would agree with that statement. Food is a simple way to wish someone a happy holiday and a great way to spread Christmas cheer. It's a relatively inexpensive route to take and allows you to put your heart into it. It can also be a way to keep it simple for everyone on your list. Bake up a batch of festive cookies, a loaf of warm spiced bread, or put together a hot chocolate mix this

Your Questions Answered: FAQ

Got questions? Yeah, so does everyone else! As a quick reference guide, I've answered the most frequently asked questions that I receive on a day to day basis. Hours & Location We're open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.! Our office is located at: 830 Hartford Road Manchester, CT 06040 Do I need an appointment to visit the office? No appointment is needed, however, calling ahead and making an appointment to see your agent or customer service representative will ensure that they are in the office and available to meet with you! How long has Independent Insurance Center been in business?  Almost 50 years! Independent Insurance Center began in 1970 when three existing local agencies joined forces to become one. In 1985, a fourth agency jumped on board and we've been a local leader in insurance ever since. What does your company charge for home or auto insurance?  Independent Insurance is not an insurance company, we are an agency th

Guest Post by Jessie Donnelly: Winter Hair Care

We all battle dry, staticky hair in the winter, especially in New England. We go from trying to combat humidity in the summer, right into the cold, brittle weather of Fall and Winter.  As a hairstylist, I run into all kinds of people who claim to have great ideas to help remedy hair problems at home. I even know a lady who SWEARS by putting mayo in her hair as a deep conditioner… sorry, but that’s going a little far for me. Mostly because I hate the idea of mayo to begin with, and just the idea of it being in my hair on purpose seems horrible.  However, there are actually a few really good tips for protecting your hair, that I think are pretty simple – like not hairdresser simple, but like regular-people simple. (Tested and proven by my own family members). What's Good for the Laundry is Good for Your Head One of our biggest issues in the winter is static. The easiest and best-smelling way to make sure you don’t look too much like Albert Einstein this winter is

Easy Guide: Visiting the DMV After Moving to Connecticut

I have lived in Connecticut most of my life. But if you're new here, the process to change your insurance, license, and registration is like a catch 22; all three tasks basically need to be completed at the same time. It sounds overwhelming but the best thing you can do is prepare yourself. In this simplified guide, I've taken as much information as I can from the DMV themselves to help you stay organized. Your Auto Insurance The first thing you'll need to do before you can register your vehicle in CT is to obtain a new insurance policy. Insurance coverage cannot be transferred from state to state so you'll need to start from scratch. Be sure to provide your new agent with your prior coverage information so that he or she can help you determine what kind of coverage you'd like. Each state has different insurance laws and coverages that may or may not be available. Be sure to ask questions! Once your agent provides you with a new insurance policy, an auto

What I've Learned in the Past 365 Days

This month, I celebrated one year with Independent Insurance Center. I've been in the insurance industry since I graduated high school and since then, I've had 3 positions, 3 types of leaders, a diverse range of customers, and evolving goals. In the last year, a slow but steady process has taken place. I have a few things to say about the last 365 days. Sales is Like a Box of Chocolates I had to mention the Office somehow and I'm not sorry. Sales is diverse. No two customers are the same. I'm in the business of helping people and because we're all unique, each sales experience is unique. It's one of the things I love about my job the most. Don't Listen to What They Say About You When you start making decisions for your personal betterment, people always have something to say. Each stepping stone has brought loving support from others but also a lot of doubtful criticism, unwanted advice, and just straight up negativity. DO NOT LISTEN.

What I Wish I Knew When I Bought Car Insurance for the First Time

Being an adult is great. I've never been an "adulting is hard" kind of person. I enjoy being able to eat ice cream for dinner if I want. I can watch 3 hours of HGTV in one sitting or I can work on my own house. I can be a success or a failure. I make my own way and it's exciting. Of course, when you have to make the transition of relying on your parents to relying on yourself, it can be a little scary. Wait- there are better things to eat at the store besides Ramen and Little Debbies? Insurance is something you need to handle on your own when you fly the coop. No, you cannot stay on your parent's policy. If you're still on your parent's policy and you've moved out of the house, there's a possibility you're jeopardizing your coverage. So yes, little birdie, it's time to get your own insurance. I've been there and survived to tell the tale. You Have More Options than What's Their Names Every insurance company you see adve

Renter's Insurance: Worth It or a Waste?

Maybe you just moved out of your parent's home for the first time and you're leasing a new apartment. Maybe you've been renting a unit in a duplex for the last 7 years. Maybe you live with your sister temporarily. Do you need renter's insurance? My answer? Yes. I'll explain why. Your Stuff is Worth More than You Think Just because you don't own your home, it doesn't mean your belongings aren't worth replacing. If you've been accumulating over the years, your stuff could easily be worth $10,000 per main living space- at least. Even if you're just starting out and don't have much to your name, you will ! You have furniture, clothes, appliances, tools, TVs, computers, and random decor from Homegoods and Ikea. And how did you get all of those things? You spent money. Wouldn't it be nice to have it all insured? Your Landlord's Policy Doesn't Cover Squat It's a common myth that a landlord's insurance policy will ext

Apple Crisp 3 Ways

September 22nd marked the first day of the fall equinox. Cooler weather has set in quickly and it's bittersweet. I'm going to miss having my car windows rolled down and wearing sundresses. Summer was full of grilled steaks and late night ice cream trips. I'll be sad to say goodbye to 9 p.m. sunsets but let's face it, this summer in Connecticut was extremely humid and I'm OK taking a break. I'm ready to let flannel blankets, chilly breezes, and crock pot meals consume me. Don't fight it. Like summer, fall brings great food. But unlike summer, this time of year allows you to indulge in piping hot dishes, savory or sweet. In the true spirit of fall, today I share my three favorite ways to make apple crisp! Nothing can warm you up quite like this dessert. When paired with a cool, sweet scoop of vanilla ice cream, it transports you to Autumn paradise! 1. Grain Free  I eat primarily grain free. This has helped reduce inflammation in my body as well as c

3 Guaranteed Ways to Make Your Claims Process Easier

 I have yet to meet a person who enjoys the insurance claims process. It's confusing, it's scary, it's not fun. As much as we'd like to avoid having to go through this ordeal, losses still happen. Uncontrollable weather still exists, crazy fires do break out, and pipes burst in extreme temperatures. Aside from finding an insurance company that has an orderly claims department, below are three ways you can help make your claims experience less of a headache. 1. Notifying Your Company Immediately The best way to act is quickly. As the customer, you do have the ability to choose whether or not you'd like to get your insurance company involved when things go wrong. However, don't take too long mulling over the decision. The longer damage sits, the higher the chance more damage will occur and create problems down the road. Your insurance company should be at the top of your list, as far as contacts go, in the event of a loss. The sooner they are notifi

3 Reasons I Volunteer with Shelter Animals

A couple of times a week, I visit some furry friends at the Sadie Mae Foundation in Bolton, CT. Along with other volunteers, I feed them, clean them, and give them plenty of attention. Below I break down my top three reasons for doing so and why you should do it too. 1. Because It's a Blast I have volunteered for a handful of causes and events in my adult life but nothing has given me more joy than volunteering at an animal shelter. While at the end of most days I think I just want to go home and unwind, petting a sweet dog after a long day is extremely relaxing. I will never forget my first day and how it felt to have a swarm of puppies ease my stress away. I get to play with dogs that are happy to see me no matter what my day looked like. I have fun! 2. To Fill a Void I love dogs. I am crazy about them. I am the crazy dog lady. I have two extra-large pups at home and if it was up to me, I'd have many, many more. Fortunately, I have a husband that keeps my head on

Mini-Blog: How Independent Insurance Agencies Work

Are all insurance agents the same? Nope. It's pretty common, after speaking with or meeting a future customer for the first time, that they do not realize how an independent agent works. After all, the only advertisements we see are for big name companies with their funny reptiles and witty mascots. It's easy to believe we all operate like the other. Offering "Great Rates" and claiming to be "#1 in Connecticut". There are two types of agents: those who only work with (for) one company and those that do not. The majority of the companies advertised on radio and television are companies whose agents can only provide you one option: themselves. If they can only offer you them, how can you be sure that they are genuine? Independent agents are different, they work with numerous insurance companies every day. This allows them to tailor the options to fit your needs. Independent agents have more loyalty to their customers and when circumstances in your

Staple Recipes From Our Staff

Summertime means picnics, dinner parties, and get-togethers! Below you will find siganture dishes from our very own staff here at IIC. Feel free to steal them, we won't mind. Tuna Macaroni Salad Ingredients 1 Box of Elbow Macaroni 1/2 Cup Chopped Onion 1/2 Cup Chopped Celery  1 Can of White Albacore Tuna 2 Heaping Tablespoons of Hellman's Mayonnaise Salt and Pepper to Taste Instructions   "Cook macaroni, strain, and cool. Place in large container. Add tuna, celery and onions. Add mayonnaise and mix. Add salt and pepper to taste. Refrigerate and serve cold."  ~ Marie, Customer Service  Simple Bolognese Sauce Ingredients 1lb Ground Beef 1 Onion 1 28oz Can of Crushed San Marzano Tomato Sauce ½ Cup of Red Wine 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil Italian parsley to Taste Oregano to Taste Salt and Pepper to Taste Instructions " Cut the onion into quarters and sauté in a pan with about 2 tablespoons of olive