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Showing posts from October, 2018

What I've Learned in the Past 365 Days

This month, I celebrated one year with Independent Insurance Center. I've been in the insurance industry since I graduated high school and since then, I've had 3 positions, 3 types of leaders, a diverse range of customers, and evolving goals. In the last year, a slow but steady process has taken place. I have a few things to say about the last 365 days. Sales is Like a Box of Chocolates I had to mention the Office somehow and I'm not sorry. Sales is diverse. No two customers are the same. I'm in the business of helping people and because we're all unique, each sales experience is unique. It's one of the things I love about my job the most. Don't Listen to What They Say About You When you start making decisions for your personal betterment, people always have something to say. Each stepping stone has brought loving support from others but also a lot of doubtful criticism, unwanted advice, and just straight up negativity. DO NOT LISTEN.

What I Wish I Knew When I Bought Car Insurance for the First Time

Being an adult is great. I've never been an "adulting is hard" kind of person. I enjoy being able to eat ice cream for dinner if I want. I can watch 3 hours of HGTV in one sitting or I can work on my own house. I can be a success or a failure. I make my own way and it's exciting. Of course, when you have to make the transition of relying on your parents to relying on yourself, it can be a little scary. Wait- there are better things to eat at the store besides Ramen and Little Debbies? Insurance is something you need to handle on your own when you fly the coop. No, you cannot stay on your parent's policy. If you're still on your parent's policy and you've moved out of the house, there's a possibility you're jeopardizing your coverage. So yes, little birdie, it's time to get your own insurance. I've been there and survived to tell the tale. You Have More Options than What's Their Names Every insurance company you see adve

Renter's Insurance: Worth It or a Waste?

Maybe you just moved out of your parent's home for the first time and you're leasing a new apartment. Maybe you've been renting a unit in a duplex for the last 7 years. Maybe you live with your sister temporarily. Do you need renter's insurance? My answer? Yes. I'll explain why. Your Stuff is Worth More than You Think Just because you don't own your home, it doesn't mean your belongings aren't worth replacing. If you've been accumulating over the years, your stuff could easily be worth $10,000 per main living space- at least. Even if you're just starting out and don't have much to your name, you will ! You have furniture, clothes, appliances, tools, TVs, computers, and random decor from Homegoods and Ikea. And how did you get all of those things? You spent money. Wouldn't it be nice to have it all insured? Your Landlord's Policy Doesn't Cover Squat It's a common myth that a landlord's insurance policy will ext