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Showing posts from June, 2018

Jump Start Your Day with this Simple Smoothie!

Oh the morning. Whether you love it or hate it, getting started for the day should include a breakfast that will be filling and energizing. Some love to sit down to a classic dish of eggs and bacon. Some prefer yogurt, oatmeal, fruit, granola, or just a cup of coffee. But what about avocados? "Breakfast is everything. The beginning, the first thing. It is the mouthful that is the commitment to a new day, a continuing life" - A. A. Gill Avocados are a super food. They are chalk full of healthy fats and they help with nutrient absorption. They also strengthen your immune system and have anti-inflammatory properties. The list of benefits is pretty extensive. In my opinion, an avocado a day is even better than an apple a day and will certainly keep the doctor away! But other than chopping an avocado for a salad or guacamole, how can you make sure you're getting enough of it's green goodness? Breakfast. Yep, you read that right. Recently, I've discovere

Your Questions Answered: Umbrella Insurance

Ah, summer. Finally time to spend some hours in the pool you just dug up your yard for. Money and time was spent getting everything just right. You've been itching to jump in. The weekend is supposed to be over 90 degrees and humid. The cool water is calling your name. As you daydream about your pool, your thoughts are interrupted by the laughter of your 12 year old neighbor and his friend. They are enjoying the summer as well, riding their bikes in the driveway and challenging each other to do tricks. Then a thought crosses your mind: what if one of those kids decided to hop in your pool while you weren't home? What would happen if they got hurt? Surely they wouldn't! You have a fence, cameras, and a lock on your gate. But what if? What is lawsuit? Simply put, a lawsuit is a dispute brought to court. A lawsuit may be filed against you even if you feel you did nothing wrong. In the case of your hypothetical pool, if a child were injured after sneaking over for a

Keeping Pets Safe During Firework Season

If you are lucky enough to have a pet, you have experienced true loyalty and unconditional love. Our pets trust and rely on us to keep them safe, especially when we as humans are doing things that they don't quite understand. Large parties, loud noises, and thumping music can cause them to become anxious and confused. One of my dogs tends to go off to a quiet room by himself to get away from the commotion! Sometimes we forget that our pets can be a bit more sensitive to noise. Did you know that a dog's hearing distance is 4 times that of a human's? (read more about how a dog's senses compare to ours  here ).  It's important that we consider these facts as we enter the summer and as fireworks become more frequent in our towns and neighborhoods. Below are a handful of tried and true tips to help your pet feel more comfortable as the sky is booming! Keep all pets indoors The most important thing you can do is to keep your pet indoors at all

5 Things I Love About My Job

I am blessed to have a job that I love. Each day is a chance to succeed and I am truly thankful that I decided to enter the insurance industry in the first place. I ended up in the industry like many others: accidentally. It was the summer after I graduated high school and I was sleeping in, like most 18 year-old girls do. I received a call from my mother who worked for a local insurance agency. She was frantic, telling me to hurry up and get dressed because the agency was looking for a new service rep and she wanted me to interview with them in the coming hour. I put on the most professional dress I owned, went to the agency, and the rest is history. Since that summer so many years ago and since learning much about the industry, I have been delighted to become a part of the team at Independent Insurance Center, Inc. When I decided to reflect on my favorite things about this job, I didn't find it difficult at all. 5 Things I Love About My Job 1) The Building When yo