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Showing posts from September, 2018

Apple Crisp 3 Ways

September 22nd marked the first day of the fall equinox. Cooler weather has set in quickly and it's bittersweet. I'm going to miss having my car windows rolled down and wearing sundresses. Summer was full of grilled steaks and late night ice cream trips. I'll be sad to say goodbye to 9 p.m. sunsets but let's face it, this summer in Connecticut was extremely humid and I'm OK taking a break. I'm ready to let flannel blankets, chilly breezes, and crock pot meals consume me. Don't fight it. Like summer, fall brings great food. But unlike summer, this time of year allows you to indulge in piping hot dishes, savory or sweet. In the true spirit of fall, today I share my three favorite ways to make apple crisp! Nothing can warm you up quite like this dessert. When paired with a cool, sweet scoop of vanilla ice cream, it transports you to Autumn paradise! 1. Grain Free  I eat primarily grain free. This has helped reduce inflammation in my body as well as c

3 Guaranteed Ways to Make Your Claims Process Easier

 I have yet to meet a person who enjoys the insurance claims process. It's confusing, it's scary, it's not fun. As much as we'd like to avoid having to go through this ordeal, losses still happen. Uncontrollable weather still exists, crazy fires do break out, and pipes burst in extreme temperatures. Aside from finding an insurance company that has an orderly claims department, below are three ways you can help make your claims experience less of a headache. 1. Notifying Your Company Immediately The best way to act is quickly. As the customer, you do have the ability to choose whether or not you'd like to get your insurance company involved when things go wrong. However, don't take too long mulling over the decision. The longer damage sits, the higher the chance more damage will occur and create problems down the road. Your insurance company should be at the top of your list, as far as contacts go, in the event of a loss. The sooner they are notifi