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Showing posts from July, 2018

An Open Letter to My Customers

Recently, I sat and thought about all of the wonderful people I've met during the course of my career. My general thought was that my customers are REAL people with a story. People with families that they love and homes they have made their own. It made me want to speak from the heart about my customers and just how much I enjoy working with them and sharing the common ground of insurance. To My First Customer You were such an exciting concept to me as I entered this new world. Studying insurance material and gaining a license from the state could never teach me what you did and that was friendship. We were able to sit with one another over a cup of coffee and really talk. I remember you well and I don't expect I will forget you. Thank you for giving me the chance to serve you. To the Animal Lover You and I could talk for hours if the work day would allow us. As a person who has "fur-babies", like I do, you have endless stories to share with me that

Top Mistakes When Shopping for Insurance

Something about the warm weather makes my phone ring off the hook with folks who would like a new insurance policy. Some customers are buying their first home, a new car, and others just got an itch to look around. Regardless of why, they all have something in common: they need help. When you've never done it before or haven't done it since 1987, shopping for insurance is a headache that you just want to be done with, or so you have been told. In your search, make sure you don't make the top 3 mistakes below! Calling One Insurance Company When you are standing at the grocery store, staring at the multi-vitamin selection in front of you, most likely you are trying to decide which brand to choose. There will always be some people that just grab the first bottle of vitamins they see without paying attention to what kind they are. But for many of us, we really ponder what we're purchasing. You need to read the bottle and see what's being provided to you